linguists of german 뜻
- 독일어학자
- linguists: 언어학자
- german: adjective, noun, 독일의, 독일 사람,
- ancient linguists: 고대의 언어학자
- historical linguists: 역사언어학자
- linguists by century: 세기별 언어학자
- linguists by nationality: 나라별 언어학자
- linguists of ainu: 아이누어학자
- linguists of chinese: 중국어학자
- linguists of english: 영어학자
- linguists of japanese: 일본어학자
- linguists of korean: 한국어학자
- linguists of persian: 페르시아어학자
- linguists of russian: 러시아어학자
- linguists of spanish: 스페인어학자
- linguists of yiddish: 이디시어학자
기타 단어
- "linguists of altaic languages" 뜻
- "linguists of austronesian languages" 뜻
- "linguists of chinese" 뜻
- "linguists of english" 뜻
- "linguists of eskimo–aleut languages" 뜻
- "linguists of japanese" 뜻
- "linguists of korean" 뜻
- "linguists of papuan languages" 뜻
- "linguists of persian" 뜻
- "linguists of english" 뜻
- "linguists of eskimo–aleut languages" 뜻
- "linguists of japanese" 뜻
- "linguists of korean" 뜻